ACTS 1: 8
Table of Contents
PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ................................................................................................. 1
_ Title
_ Applications
_ Status
_ Head office
_ Official language
_ Interpretation
PART III …………………………………………………………………………………………2
_ Objectives
_ Basis of believe
PART IV …………………………………………………………………………………………3
_ Membership
_ Fellowship code of conduct
_ Rights
_ Responsibilities
_ Cessation of membership
PART V…………………………………………………………………………………………4
(a) Leadership of the fellowship
_ The Chairperson
_ The Vice Chairperson
_ The General Secretary
(b) Organs of the fellowship………………………………………………………………..5
_ Branches of The Fellowship
_ Branch Executive Committee
_ Functions of the BEC
Components of the BEC
_ The Branch Chairperson
_ The Branch Vice Chairperson
_ The Secretary
_ The Assistant Secretary
_ Branch Treasurer
_ Patron
_ Matron
_ Deacons
_ Branch Assembly
_ Ministries
_ Finance and Economic Planning Evangelism Ministry
_ The intercessory Ministry
_ Praise and Worship Ministry
_ Hospitality Ministry
_ Academic Ministry
PART VI: ELECTION ………………………………………………………………………..6
_ Rules
_ Post to be voted
_ Eligibility of leaders
_ Election procedures for the BEC
_ Election of the Chairperson
_ Election of coordinators and Assistant Coordinators
_ The returning officer
_ Announcement of results
_ Provision for financial rules
_ Financial rules
_ Duties of fellowship leaders
_ Supervision of fellowship finances
_ Duties of Branch Fellowship Leaders
_ Bank Accounts
_ Investment/Projects
_ Handling/ Taking Over
_ Irregularities
_ Equipment
_ Amendments
1. The fellowship shall be known as UNIVERSITY PENTECOSTAL STUDENTS’
The fellowship constitution shall govern the election of leaders in various posts within
the fellowship define the specific functions of thereof, elaborate the responsibilities of
members, provide for financial regulation and other miscellaneous provisions as required
under the constitution
The fellowship shall be an autonomous fellowship which shall endeavor to fulfill its
objectives to the best interests of its members. Shall cooperate with other Christian
Ministries provided they conform to the fellowships’ basis of belief as provided under
article 4(1)
Head office
The headquarter of the fellowship shall be at main campus of SUA in Morogoro and
there shall be sub-offices or branches at other established Campus (es)
Official language the official language shall be English. Kiswahili shall be used when it
will be deemed necessary.
In this constitution unless the context otherwise requires-
“ Branch” means branch of the fellowship established under article 12 sub – article (1)
“ Branch Assembly” means the assembly established under article 16 sub – article 1.
“Branch Executive Committee “means committee established under article 13
“Central Executive Committee” means committee established under article 19 sub
article 1.
Executive assembly means that the assembly established under article 20 sub article 1.
“Fellowship” means a university Pentecostal student.
“ Fellowship leaders” means fellowship every member of fellowship who is elected to
hold any office in the fellowship in accordance with the provision of this constitution.
“ Council” means council established under article 22 sub article 1.
General election” is the election of fellowship leaders to hold posts stipulated in article 25
sub article 1.
“Incapacity” means failure of an office bearer to discharge functions of the office
concern by the reasons of illness or other course of any nature except postponement of
studies, discontinuation from studies or death.
“Ministry” means a department within the fellowship and under the powers of the BEC
that discharge specific duties of the fellowship.
“Chairperson” means chairperson of the fellowship as provided under article 8.
“Vice chairperson” means vice chairperson of the fellowship as provide under article 9.
“University/ Institution” means Sokoine University of Agriculture
“PCT” means Pentecostal Council of Tanzania
The objectives of the fellowship are:
_ To witness Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to the fellows students and other people
within and without the Campus
_ To deepen spiritual life of the members through devotional prayers, Bible study and
fellowship and encourage these activities among community on the Campus
Basis of Belief
Basis of Belief of the fellowship are:
_ Fundamental truths of Christianity as revealed in the scriptures, which includes the unity
of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the God head
_ The love and Sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption and final
_ The divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures and its Supreme Authority in all matters of
faith and conduct ( 2Tim 3:16, 17; 2 Pet 1:20, 21)
_ Fall of man and redemption through Christ and the Grace of God (Gen 1:26, 27; 2:17)
_ The Holy Spirit who makes the death and resurrection of Christ effective in the individual
sinner granting him repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ
_ The one Holy universe Church which is the body of Christ and to which all true believers
belong and its mission (Eph 1:22, 23)
_ The blessed hope of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Jn 14: 1-3, Act 1: 11)
_ Salvation of man (Acts 4:12)
_ Baptism of water by immersion after repentance and the Holy Communion (1Cor 11:26;
2 Pet 1:4 ; Mk 16:16; Jn 3: 23; Acts 8: 38)
_ The indwelling and work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer
_ Sanctification ( Cor 6: 11; Heb 10:14; 1 Thes 5:23)
_ Deity of the Lord Jesus (Jn 1: 1-3; 1:16; Heb 1:6)
_ Baptism into the Holy Ghost (Act 1:4-5; Jn 14: 15-17)
_ Divine healing ( Isa 53:4, Heb 2:14,15)
_ Millennial reign of Christ (Zach 14:4; psa 72;3-8)
_ Jesus was found Sinless ( Lk 23:4: Jn 8:46)
_ The New heavens and the New earth ( Jude 14, 15: 1 Cor 15:24-28)
_ Final judgement (Rev 19:20: 11-15)
Membership of the fellowship shall be open to all born again students in the Sokoine
University of Agriculture regardless of their denominations who agrees t o abide by the objective
and aspiration of the fellowship
Born again graduate fellowship members will be honorary members of the fellowship
_ A member shall be bounded to Christian code of contacts in speech, walk,
relationship, wearing style.
_ Members shall be required to live pure life that real reflects the power of salvation
_ Shall be exemplary in speech, conduct, in love, in faith and in purity
_ Shall at all times avoid garments that signal a sense of prostitution and
_ Shall keep on tie with the fellowship programmes and upon encounter a genuine
reason of missing the sessions; s/he shall be required to promptly provide to a
member or leader found close to him/ her such information.
_ Shall avoid use of words/speech which can cause injuries or disruption of unit and
peace among the fellowship members.
_ Shall avoid engaging in every sort of relationship which may trigger negative
questions in and out of the fellowship
_ Every member of the fellowship shall be entitled to the following rights
_ To receive any services offered by the fellowship
_ To vote or hold election post in accordance with article 26 sub article 1
All members of the fellowship shall uphold this constitution. They shall be obliged to:
_ Participate as far as possible in all activities of the fellowship
_ Be exemplary in Christian Conduct and Self-displine.
_ Carry out assignments
_ To pay subscriptions as shall be determined and reviewed by the Executive
Assembly and other contributions as determined
_ The membership shall be terminated when:
_ A member defiles the Christian Conduct
_ A member fails to respond positively to warnings and / or teachings
The chair-person
The chairperson of the fellowship shall be elected by all members of the fellowship in
accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
The chairperson shall be:
a) The head and the chief co-coordinator of all activities of the fellowship
b) Be the Chief spokesperson of the fellowship
c) The chairman of the CEC and preside over all meetings of the CEC and the
Executive Assembly.
d) In consultation and with the advice of the vice chairperson have power to
establish committees for the purpose of carrying special duties of the fellowship
provided that the committee members are appproved by the CEC.
e) The chairperson shall hold office for one year.
The vice chairperson
The vice chairperson of the fellowship shall be elected by all members of the fellowship
in accordance with provisions of this constitution
The vice chairperson shall hold the office for the period of one year.
Subjects to other provisions of this constitution any person who holds office as. Vice
chairperson shall be eligible for re-election to that office
The vice chairperson shall:
a. Discharge all duties of the chairperson in event of incapacity of the chairperson.
b. Be the organizer of all outreach programmes of the fellowship
c. Assist the chairperson in the discharge of his functions
The General Secretary
(a)The general of the fellowship shall be elected by members of the fellowship in
accordance with provisions of this constitution.
(b) The General Secretary shall hold office for the period of one year
(c) Subjects to other provisions of this constitution any person who holds office as the
General Secretary shall be eligible for re-election to that office
The general Secretary shall:
a) Deal with general correspondence of the fellowship under the general supervision
of the CEC
b) Discharge duties of the chairperson in the chairperson in event of simultaneous
incapacity of the chairperson and vice chairperson
c) Prepare the fellowship Almanac
d) Keep minutes of the proceedings of the fellowship
e) Convene all meetings of the CEC and Executive Assembly in consultation with
the chairperson
f) Keep records of the fellowship
g) Be the secretary of the Executive Assembly and the CEC.
h) Be secretary to the Council
The treasurer
_ The treasurer of the fellowship shall be elected by all members of the fellowship
in the provisions of this constitution
_ The treasurer shall hold the office for the period of one year.
_ Subject to other provisions of this constitution any person who holds office as the
treasure shall be eligible for re-election to that office
The treasurer shall:
a) Look after the finance of the fellowship subject to financial rules provided by this
b) Prepare and present annual budget or supplementary budget estimates to the
Executive assembly
c) Shall deliver financial report to the Executive Assembly terminally provided that
s/he shall do so when and if asked to do so by the chairperson at any other time
d) Shall receive any grants or donation if (any) on behalf of the fellowship
e) Shall be involved in organizing all ceremonies of the fellowship.
The established Branches of the Fellowship are:
a) Solomon Mahlangu Campus Branch
b) Main Campus Branch
This was established in respect of each branch, a Branch Executive Committee.(Herein
after referred to as the BEC).
Every BEC shall consist of: -
a) Branch chairperson.
b) Branch Vice chairperson
c) Secretary
d) Deputy Secretary
e) Branch Treasurer
f) Patron
g) Matron
h) A member without portfolio
_ The BEC shall ordinarily meet as scheduled in the fellowship Almanac provided that the
BEC may meet at any other time when considered necessary.
_ The secretary shall issue at least one day notice for the meeting. The quorum for the BEC
meeting shall be half (1/2) of its members.
_ The office tenure for the BEC shall be one year.
_ Subject to other provisions of this constitution, any person who holds an office as a
member of the BEC shall be eligible for re – election.
The BEC shall have the following functions:-
a) Shall be the disciplinary organ of the fellowship and shall take disciplinary
actions upon any member of the fellowship except members of the Executive
b) Shall discuss all matters of interest to Branch fellowship.
The branch chairperson
The Branch chairman shall have the following functions: -
a) Shall be the chief co – coordinator of the activities of the fellowship.
b)Shall be the head of the Branch fellowship and the Chief spokesperson of
the same.
c) Shall in consultation and with the advice of the Vice – chairperson have
Powers to resolve and to establish Ministry for the purpose of discharging
special duties of the fellowship provided that the decision is approved by the
The branch vice chairperson.
The Branch Vice chairman person shall have the following functions:-
a) Shall be the Coordinator of the fellowship gatherings, Bible study and to do all
other things requested by the Branch chairperson.
b) Shall assume the duties of the Branch chairperson in the event of the incapacity
of the latter.
The secretary.
The secretary shall have the following functions: -
(a) Shall keep minutes of proceedings of the Branch fellowship.
(b) Shall convene all meetings of the branch fellowship in consultation with
the branch chairperson sand the vice chairperson.
(c) In event of simultaneous incapacity of branch chairperson and branch vice
chairperson the secretary shall discharge duties functions of the office of
the branch chairperson.
(d) Shall keep record of all members of the branch fellowship.
(e) Shall be secretary to the BEC and branch assembly.
The assistant secretary.
The assistant secretary shall have the following functions:-
(a) Shall assist the secretary in the day to day activities of the branch
(b) Shall discharge duties of the secretary in the event of incapacity of the
latter but not the duties of the chairperson without consultation with the
(c) Shall organize all in reach missions.
(d) Shall be in charge of the library of the fellowship.
Branch treasurer.
The branch treasurer shall have the following functions:-
(a) Shall look after the finance of the branch in accordance with financial
rules provided under article 2 of this constitution.
(b) Shall deliver financial report of the branch to branch assembly terminally
provided that she/he shall do so when and if asked to do so the branch
chairperson at any other time.
(c) Shall be responsible for collecting subscriptions and contributions
provided under article 7 sub article (2) Para (IV).
(d) Shall receive any grants or donations (if any) on behalf of the branch.
(e) Prepare and present annual budget or supplementary budget estimate to
The branch assembly provided that he/she shall receive budget estimates
from other branch office.
Patron and Matron
Mature Christian, grown up, married with good reputation and sound mind
Patron shall have the following functions:
a) Shall be counseling men
b) Shall be co – operating with the patron in counseling members in issues
pertaining to courtship between members of the fellowship.
Matron shall have the following functions:
a) Shall be counseling ladies
b) Shall be co – operating with the patron in counseling members in issues
Pertaining to courtship between members of the fellowship.
The deacons should be elected one month after the commencement of the new academic year
and the BEC should be responsible for election.
Responsibilities of Deacons
_ Chairing all the meeting of the deaconship area
_ Help in Implementing Fellowship programs
_ To be responsible to BEC whenever needed
_ Conducting prayers within their deaconship areas
_ Shall be deemed to collect relevant information ( sickness, emergence travel of
member) and promptly report to the secretary
Here is the established branch assembly in respect of each branch.
Every branch assembly shall consist of:-
a) All members of the BEC.
b) Coordinators and assistant co-coordinators of all fellowship ministries.
_ The branch assembly shall ordinarily meet within first two weeks after the
commencement of every semester. May also meet at any other time when so directed by
the branch chairperson or the BEC.
_ The quorum for the branch assembly meeting shall be half (1/2) of its members and
decision shall be arrived at by simple majority.
_ The branch chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the branch assembly and the
secretary shall be secretary to the same.
_ The branch assembly shall be the major policy making organ of the branch fellowship
and shall discuss and approve budget estimates of the branch fellowship.
There are hereby established the following ministries of the fellowship in respect to each branch.
a) Evangelism ministry.
b) Intercessory ministry.
c) Praise and worship ministry.
d) Hospitality ministry.
e) Academic ministry.
f) Finance and Economic Planning Ministry
Every ministry shall consist of: -
a) The co-coordinator of that ministry
b) The assistant co-coordinator
c) Members of the ministry amongest members of the branch who have
decide to join the ministry willingly.
Functions of the ministry co-coordinators.
Ministry co-coordinators shall have the following functions: -
a) Shall be the chief co-coordinators of all activities of the ministry.
b) Shall be the chief spokesperson of the ministry.
c) Shall in consultation and with the advice of the assistant co-coordinator set
forward programmes of the ministry and effect the same.
d) Shall do all other things requested by the branch chairperson, branch vice
chairperson and the secretary.
Specific functions of the assistant co-coordinators
Assistant co-coordinators shall have the following functions:-
a) Shall assist the co-coordinator in day to day activities of the ministry.
b) Discharge duties of the co-coordinator in the event of incapacity of the cocoordinator.
Evangelism Ministry.
Evangelism ministry shall be the following functions: -
a) Shall co-ordinate evangelism missions at the branch level.
b) Shall be involved in organizing outreach evangelistic programmes of the
The Intercessory Ministry.
Intercessory ministry shall have the following functions:-
a) To co-ordinate intercessory programs at the branch level.
b) Shall be involved in organizing intercessory issues during outreach missions.
Praise and Worship Ministry.
Without prejudice to article 17 (2), the ministry shall consist of:
a) Fellowship choir
b) Praise and worship team
c) Singing groups subject to recognition and approval of the branch assembly and
hence registered by the secretary. Singing groups must not exceed two.
Praise and worship ministry shall have the following functions:
a) Shall be responsible for praise and worship programmes at the branch level.
b) Shall be involved in praise and worship during outreach programmes of the
fellowship and other fellowship programmes that may require her attention.
Hospitality Ministry.
Hospitality ministry shall be responsible for:
a) Encouraging and counseling fellowship members when confronted with social
and academic problems, sickness and issues of any other nature that can cause
heart break to the same.
b) In collaboration with the branch chairperson and hospitality ministry assistant cocoordinator
shall receive from the branch treasurer and hand condolence
contributions or any other from of contributions to the bereaved or any other
member of the fellowship when it will be deemed necessary.
Academic Ministry
Shall comprise of:
_ Academic coordinator
_ Assistant academic coordinator
_ Academic committee constituted by five members appointed by the coordinator. For the
purposes of assisting the coordinator to select the best candidates for appointment as
academic committee members, the coordinator shall cause to be submitted to him/her a
short list of candidates from the BEM
_ Shall monitor and supervise the fulfillment of the Academic Performance Assessment
Form (APAF)
_ Shall be responsible for collection and distribution of studying materials from senior
brothers and sisters to succeeding members
_ Shall facilitate the formation of group discussion among and across the fellowship
_ Shall be the major advisory organ pertaining the issues of academics
_ Shall be responsible for setting and organizing education seminars and motivations in
consultations with the Branch Leaders.
_ Encouraging members to surrender their learning material to the fellowship upon
successful advancement in academic year.
_ After consultation with the fellowship academic advisor, shall guide member to choose
electives, charging course
Academic Ministry Advisor
There should be a fellowship academic advisor who will be appointed by the CEC
_ Should be born again
_ Should be the academic member of the institution
Shall in collaboration work with the Ministry of Academic to counsel fellowship members in
issues related with academic.
Finance & Economic Planning Ministry
_ Devising the ways of generating income in the fellowship
_ Shall be involved in fellowship planning meetings
_ Shall cooperate with treasurer in sensitizing contributions
_ Shall be doing the responsibilities as directed by CEC
There is here by established the central Executive Committee of the fellowship (herein after
referred to as the CEC).
The CEC shall be composed of:-
_ The Chairperson
_ The Vice Chairperson
_ The General Secretary
_ The Deputy General Secretary
_ The Fellowship Treasurer
_ The deputy General Treasurer
_ Member without portfolio.
The CEC shall ordinarily meet once per semester provided that the CEC so directed by the
chairperson or shall issue at least three says notice for the meeting. The quorum for the CEC
meeting shall be half (1/2) of its members.
_ Every CEC meeting shall be presided over by the chairperson who shall be the
chairperson to the same
_ The CEC members shall hold office for one year. The general (2), the CEC shall
appoint members of the council.
_ The secretary shall be the secretary to the CEC.
_ Without prejudice to article (22) sub article
_ CEC shall be the major policy making organ of the fellowship and shall be responsible
also implement decisions made by the executive assembly.
Functions of a member without portfolio.
Functions of a member without portfolio shall be:-
_ To discharge all duties as directed by the chairperson of the CEC.
_ Shall represent his/her branch in the CEC.
There shall be the executives’ assembly, which shall consist of:-
_ All members of the CEC
_ All members of the CEC from every branch.
_ The Executive assembly shall ordinarily meet once per semester. May also meet at any
other time when so directed by the chairperson. The quorum for the executive assembly
ordinary meetings shall be half (1/
2) of its members and decisions shall be arrived at by
simple majority.
_ The chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the executives assembly.
_ The general secretary shall be the secretary to the executives assembly.
Functions of the executive assembly shall be:-
_ To discuss and approve decisions and recommendations from the CEC.
_ To discuss all matters of interest to fellowship members.
_ To discuss and approve fellowship budget estimates.
_ Not with standing the provision of articles of this constitution, the executive assembly
may pass a vote of no confidence in any member of the executive assembly if a motion
proposing in that behalf is moved and passed in accordance with the provisions of this
_ Subject to the other provisions of this article any motion for vote of no confidence in any
members of executive assembly shall not be moved in the executives assembly if it has
no relation with the defilement of the Christian conduct by such a member.
_ A motion for vote of no confidence in the members of executive assembly shall be passed
only if it is supported by the majority of the members of the executive assembly and
quorum of such meeting is two thirds (2/3) of members of executive assembly.
_ In the event the motion for vote of no confidence in the member of executive assembly is
supported by majority of the members of executive assembly the chairperson shall
declare the resolution to fellowship members and as soon as possible within two days
from the day the executives assembly passed the vote of no confidence, the member in
question shall be required to resign, and by election shall be held by virtue of articles
provided for by this constitution. Section 6 of this constitution shall be applied to a
resigned leader.
There shall be a council of the fellowship which shall consist of:-
_ Chairperson of the fellowship
_ The vice chairperson
_ General Secretary of the fellowship who shall be the secretary to the council.
_ The Deputy General Secretary who shall assist the General Secretary.
_ Five pastors from different Pentecostal denominations upon appointment by the CEC.
_ One SUA Administrative or academic staff member upon appointment by the CEC.
_ Two members of UPSF alumnae upon appointment by CEC. The appointee should come
from Morogoro or Morogoro nearby places
_ Without prejudice to generally of sub article 3, the chairperson. Vice chairperson and the
general secretary shall be members of the council by virtue of their posts
_ Subject to other provisions of this article office tenure of members of the council shall be
two years provided that a member who holds office is eligible for re – appoint
_ without prejudice to sub article 2, no person shall be appointed more than twice
consecutively to be a member of the council.
_ Council shall ordinarily meet the 8th week of the second semester, and quorum for such
meetings shall be ½ half of all members of the council
_ The council shall at its meeting elect from amongst its members a chairperson of the
_ the chairperson of the council shall subject to his continuing to be qualified to be a
member of the council and unless he sooner dies or resigns, hold office for a period of 2
years and shall be eligible for re – elections.
_ The council shall meet at such other times as may be deemed necessary or expedient for
the transaction of its business.
_ The secretary shall give to every member of the council at least twenty one days notice of
the date, time and place of meeting.
_ The chairperson of the council shall preside over the meetings of the council.
a) Approving the constitution amendments
b) Linking the fellowship with PCT and the Institution
c) General overseer of the Fellowship
d) The highest disciplinary organ of the fellowship
e) Receiving reports and making appropriate recommendations with accordance
to the aspiration of the fellowship.
(1) There shall be general meeting that will be held once per academic year on such
dates provided for in the almanac of the fellowship.
(2) The general meeting is constituted by all members of the branch fellowship.
(3) The Branch chairperson shall chair the general meeting.
(4) The secretary of the branch shall be the secretary of the general meeting.
(5) The general meeting shall discuss and evaluate the performance of the branch in
the academic year and give necessary suggestions.
There hereby established electoral rules to be revised from time to time by the executives
assembly and approved by the fellowship council.
The following posts shall be voted for:-
a) Chairperson of the fellowship
b) Vice chairperson
c) General secretary
d) Fellowship treasures
e) Branch chairman
f) Branch vice chairman
g) Secretary
h) Deputy secretary
i) Branch treasurer
j) Matron
k) Patron
l) Coordinators
m) Assistant co-coordinators.
_ There shall be general election to be held exactly four (4) weeks before commencement
of semester II examinations.
_ Voting shall be by secret ballot.
Subject to other provisions contained in this constitution, any person shall be eligible for election
or appointment as a leader if he or she:-
a) Is a member of the fellowship
b) Has a sound faith (Titus 1: 7 – 9; Acts 6:3:1 Pet 5:24 1 time 3:6)
c) Is not a newly born again person.
d) Faithful and just
e) Is filled with the Holy Spirit
f) Is baptized with water by immersion
g) Is living according to the word of God.
_ Nomination of people to be votes for at BEC level, shall start within two (2) weeks
before general election and shall be done by all members of the branch.
_ The out going BEC shall screen the proposed names immediately after the closure of
nomination in accordance with article 26 sub article (1) of this constitution.
_ Without prejudice to sub article (2) the outgoing BEC shall announce candidates to be
voted for in various posts of the BEC who have appeared to poll many votes for the post
during nomination.
_ Exactly two candidates for each post shall be nominated for election. The candidate
nominated for one BEC. Post shall not be voted for at any other post of the BEC in the
same election.In the event that, the branch treasurer is elected to hold office as the
fellowship treasurer in accordance with article 28 sub article 4. Mini election shall be
held to fill the vacancy.
_ First and second runner in nomination, at the branch treasurer post during BEC election
at the Branch whose treasurers’ post is vacant shall be eligible candidates for mini
election. All members of the branch fellowship shall vote for the candidates in mini
_ Members of all branches shall vote for fellowship chairperson vice chairperson, general
secretary and fellowship treasurer.
Election of the chairperson.
All branch chairpersons shall be candidates to be voted for, at the post of the chairperson of the
fellowship. If one fails shall direct be the vice chair person of the fellowship.
Election of vice chairperson.
_ There shall be no election of vice chair person but as described in 28 (1)
Election of the general secretary.
_ Secretaries from all branches shall be candidates for the post of general secretary and
shall be the very people to be voted for.
Election of the fellowship treasurer
_ All branch treasurers shall be the candidates for the post of fellowship treasurer.
_ Members from both branches of the fellowship shall vote for fellowship chairperson.
Vice chairperson, general secretary and fellowship treasurer.
_ A branch treasurer who shall be the fellowship treasurer shall spontaneously loose his /
her post in the BEC.
Election procedure for ministry co – coordinators and assistant co-coordinators.
_ Nomination of members to be voted for the post of co-coordinators and assistant cocoordinators
shall be done by all members of the ministry in respect to every ministry.
_ The outgoing co-coordinators and assistant coordinators in every ministry shall screen the
nominees in accordance with article 26 sub article (1) of this constitution.Without
prejudice to subsection (2) the outgoing coordinator of the particular ministry shall
announce candidates to be voted for who have polled many votes during ministerial
_ The announced candidates shall be voted for by all members of the branch fellowship.
The returning officer.
_ One member of the council who is not amongst members the fellowship shall be the
return officer upon appointment by the outgoing CEC.
_ The returning officer in collaboration with the outgoing main campus – BEC shall
organize and supervise the general election; provided that a member of the BEC who is
not a finalist shall not be involved.
The functions of Patron and Matron of the fellowship
_ Shall be the link between fellowship
_ Shall be the fellowship adviser
_ Shall be the members of the fellowship council.
_ Returning officer in collaboration with the main campus – BEC shall examine the results
of every post and if there is a candidate who has polled highest number of votes cast, then
the returning officer shall declare that candidate only as elected.
_ If there happens to be both candidates have polled same number of votes then there shall
be re – election for that particular post.
Handing over and consecration.
_ The new leadership shall be consecrated one week of announcement of results
_ The outgoing leadership shall coordinate the handing during the CEC meeting held
within one week of consecration.
_ If a post in an executive committee remains unfilled or becomes vacant, by election shall
be called.
_ By – election shall be announced 14 days after the post becomes vacant.
_ By – election shall be held in accordance with provisions of this constitution.
_ If it happens that a post in a ministry remains unfilled or becomes vacant members of that
ministry shall nominate persons within ministry to fill the vacancy and the BEC of the
branch with the unfilled post, shall appoint the candidates to fill that vacancy amongst
_ Without prejudice to generality of article 32 sub article 4, nomination and appointment to
fill ministerial vacancies shall be subject to other provisions of this constitution.
There shall be financial rules to be revised from time to time by the executive assembly. These
rules shall guide all financial matters of the fellowship.
Background information.
_ The aims and objectives of the fellowship are given in the fellowship constitution under
article 3 sub article 1.
_ Provision for financial rules is specified in article 25 of University Pentecostal students’
fellowship constitution. There shall be financial rules to be revised from time to time by
the executives assembly. These rules shall guide all financial matters of the fellowship.
Sources of fund.
Sources of finances of the fellowship shall include:-
_ Subscription
_ Grants
_ Proceeds from project (s) owned by the fellowship.
_ Any legal entitlement of the fellowship.
_ Any other source of fund approved by the executive assembly.
The chairperson.
Chairperson of the fellowship shall: -
(i) Be one of the three signatories of the fellowship account.
(ii) Be responsible to the executive assembly for implementation of financial
decision made by the executive assembly.
(iii) Be the supervising officer of the fellowship fund and shall be responsible for
promoting and maintaining the efficiency and accounts of fellowship.
(iv) Authorizing all payments exceeding Tshs. 10,000/= but not exceeding
50,000/= the amount exceeding 50,000/ shall be approved by the CEC.
The general secretary.
The general secretary of the fellowship shall:
(i) Be one of the signatories of the fellowship account.
(ii) Co – ordinate all officers of the fellowship in preparing annual budget before
being approved by the executive assembly.
The general secretary of the fellowship shall: -
(i) Be responsible in laying out plans, administer and supervise all economic
projects of the fellowship.
(ii) Prepare contracts related to rising of funds with any organ, within or outside
the campus provide that such contracts shall have approval of the CEC.
(iii) Keep and maintain account of the fellowship.
(iv) Be the chief advisory organ of the CEC on all financial matters of the
(v) Prepare and present to executive assembly periodic financial statements of
income and expenditure.
(vi) Be responsible for authorizing all payments not exceeding 10,000/ Tshs.
(vii) Be the custodian of fellowship funds.
(viii) Keep up to date transactions indicating the income and expenditure of the
(ix) Deposit the cash and cheque and shall not kept more than 30,000/= in cash in
his/her possession for more than seven days.
_ The authority to withdraw or to authorize withdrawing of fellowship monies shall be
within the fellowship treasurer in conjunction with the general secretary and the
_ The treasurer, general secretary and the chairperson shall be the signatory of the
fellowship cheque.
_ All financial transactions shall be made in the name of the fellowship.
_ The fellowship treasurer shall receive and keep any receipt of written evidence justifying
expenditure of the fellowship funds.
_ In the event of physical incapacity of the treasurer the general secretary shall carryout her
/ his duties for such a time as the treasurer shall be unable to carry out the duties.
_ In the event of the treasurer being removed before his term of office comes to an end the
treasurer shall hand over a signed financial statement to his/her successor the CEC shall
approve such a financial statement.
_ The new treasurer shall take immediately all responsibilities as stipulated in the
constitution and financial rules.
Branch chairman person.
The branch chairperson shall:
(i) Be responsible to the branch assembly for implementations of finance
decisions made by the branch assembly.
(ii) Be responsible for authorizing all payments exceeding Tshs. 10,000?= but not
exceeding Tshs. 50,000/= amount exceeding shall be approved by the CEC.
The secretary.
The secretary shall co-ordinate all offices of the branch fellowship in preparing annual budget
before being approved by the branch assembly.
Branch Treasurer.
The branch treasurer shall: -
(i) Keep and maintain accounts of the branch fellowship.
(ii) Be the chief advisory organ of the BEC on al financial matters of the branch
Branch fellowship treasurers shall disburse 50% of his/her branch’s income to the fellowship
treasurer except normal offerings.
Opening of the banking accounts.
(1) The CEC shall arrange for such bank accounts to be opened as may be necessary
from time to time.
(2) No bank account shall be opened unless it is for the furtherance of the fellowship
lawful activity and is approved by the chairperson on behalf of the executive
(3) The account so opened shall be restricted to the specific purpose initially intended
(4) Arrangement for opening a bank account shall be made by the treasurer in
conjunction with the general secretary.
Closing of the bank account.
A bank account shall be closed when: -
_ In the opinion of the treasures, the account does not operate in conformity with purposes
initially intended for. In such circumstances, the treasurer shall request the chairperson to
approve the closure of such account on behalf of the executive assembly.
_ The purpose for which the account was intended for been fully fulfilled.
Execution of instrument.
All conveyances, transfer contracts, guarantees, agreements, bonds authorities, mortgages, bills
of exchange, promissory notes, bank drafts, tellers of credit and other instruments whatsoever to
which fellowship is part, shall be executed on behalf of the fellowship by:-
(a) The fellowship chairperson
(b) The general secretary
(c) Such other members of executive assembly as the chairperson may appoint on
Authority to invest.
(1) The executively assembly shall have power to invest the funds of the fellowship.
Fellowship may establish economically viable investments or project for the
purpose of argumenting fellowship source of income.
Viability study:
(2) All projects envisage to be established by fellowship must be supported by
feasibility studies, project write – ups and reports showing the economic viability
of such projects. On receipt of such reports, the general secretary in consultation
with the treasurer shall recommended the project proposal to the executively
assembly through CEC. The CEC shall be responsible for finding a qualified
person to carryout feasibility studies and preparing project write ups.
Establishment and report.
(3) All investments shall be in the name of the fellowship and all directions regarding
the making or liquidating of investment shall be in writings under the hand of the
general secretary on the recommendation of the treasurer.
(4) The chairman, to the executively assembly through the CEC shall submit
quarterly reports of all projects established.
Handling over procedures.
_ When the duties of fellowship treasurer, which involve custody of the fellowship money,
are handed over to another treasurer, the following procedures should be adopted: -
_ The treasurer handing over is to ensure that the books. Which record fellowship money
and other properties in his / her custody are up – dated and balanced. He / she should
make sure that cash and other property in his her custody agrees with the balanced shown
in his books.
_ The treasurer taking over is to check the cash and property being taken over in the
presence of the treasurer handing over and satisfy himself/herself that the cash and the
property agree with the balance shown in the records.
_ On occurrence of any loss of fellowship property from whatever causes, an immediate
report has to be made to the general secretary.
_ Where the loss is due to dishonesty on the part of the member of CEC, the general
secretary shall cause the convening of the meeting of the CEC to handle the matter.
_ On occurrence of any loss of branch fellowship property from whatever causes, an
immediate report has to be made to the secretary. Where the loss is due dishonesty on the
part of the BEC, secretary shall cause the convening of the BEC meeting to handle the
(1) An inventory shall be kept by fellowship for all equipment and inventories. There
shall be an inventory ledger.
(2) Every semester general secretary shall cause an inspection to ensure that all
equipment and inventory are present as stated in the ledger.
(3) In case of discrepancy or loss, the user of the equipment shall report to general
secretary, the general secretary shall then cause convening of CEC in consultation
with the chairman and discuss the matter.
(1) Any amendments for this constitution shall have support of at least 2/3 of the
members of the fellowship either voting at a meeting called for this purpose or
voting by secret ballot. Amendments include any alternation of the constitution.
(2) Any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the general secretary in writing
who shall, after enumeration by the executive assembly circulate the same to the
fellowship members before a meeting called for such amendment is convened.
The decision reached shall be approved by the fellowship council.
Passed in the General Assembly Meeting on the 11th May, 2010
....... ..... ........ .... .... ..
Chairperson of the Fellowship
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